Everyone is aware of the fact that bone health deteriorates with age and people become weak as they grow older. But have you thought of the cause behind it and why is this phenomenon so common. One of the major reasons for this to happen is a condition called Osteoporosis, which makes the bone go weak and brittle, in essence it loses its density. Essentially bone has always been deteriorating and regenerating but when the creation of new bone is not at par with degeneration of old one, osteoporosis happens.

Is it only in women?

No! One of the biggest myths surrounding osteoporosis is that men are immune to it, but this is definitely not true. The only difference is that post-menopausal women may be more susceptible to it than men, says best orthopedic surgeon in Visakhapatnam

Who else are at a higher risk ?

Some factors which may increase the chances of osteoporosis are:

  • Age: Increase in age, increases your risk
  • Family History
  • Low hormone levels may cause bones to weaken
  • Thyroid: Too much of thyroid hormone either naturally or in an induced manner can cause bone loss.
  • People who have been taking steroids for long
  • Eating disorders
  • Gastric bypass surgery, it decreases the size of the stomach and so does the absorption capacity.

How can you identify Osteoporosis early?

As per one of the best orthopedician in Vizag, Dr.Naveen Palla, few of the noticeable symptoms could be:

  • Slow loss of height
  • Curved posture or body bending forward without your will
  • Lower back pain
  • Frequent bone breaks even with small bends or stress.

Is it preventable ?

Yes, to an extent there are things which can prevent it or slow down its progression. Orthopedic doctors in Vizag suggest few of the below:

  • Exercise: Weight bearing exercises which suit your body type and daily activities can help strengthen bone and your balance
  • Calcium and Vitamin D intake: Ensuring the right amount of Vitamin D intake is necessary, if not naturally, taking supplements for them prescribed by a doctor can help as well.
  • Tobacco: Stop smoking or using tobacco products
  • Alcohol: Avoid alcohol consumption
  • Carbonated drinks: Sugary drinks and sodas can deteriorate the bone health quickly so avoiding them helps as well .

What if you do get Osteoporosis, how to treat it?

There is no hard and fast rule on treatment for osteoporosis, it depends on the individuals level of damage and associated risks in the future. Bone building medications or hormone therapy can help build up the lost density.

Best joint replacement surgeon in Visakhapatnam, Dr. Naveen Palla in orthopedic hospital in Vizag suggests that taking precautions and necessary supplements right from a young age under medical supervision can drastically increase your chances of preventing osteoporosis. For more details or queries, call +91 94407 92 385, 94410 84 646.

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